

The genesis of NIDPROTECH is underpinned by the Latino Group strategy for business growth, based on innovation and differentiation of the products and services to be offered to the market.

NIDPROTECH is a nucleus inside Latino Group for research and development on textile products applied to personal protective equipments with main focus on risk monitoring and mitigation, in a concept of Smart Wearable Systems.

The principle of NIDPROTECH is transfer the fundamental technology from universities and knowledge centres to development of new products and services through activities (in short, medium and long term) with Clients, Partners and R&D institutions.


NIDPROTECH – Research and Development Centre in textile products for personal protection

01-01-2017 a 31-12-2019

The project “NIDPROTECH – Research and Development Centre in textile products for personal protection”, promoted by the company Latino-Confecções Lda. (Portugal) and co-promoted by the Textile Science and Technology Centre (2C2T) of Minho University, is co-financed by Portugal 2020.

The R&D project, promoted by Latino-Confecções Lda. in partnership with 2C2T and the International Platform Fibrenamics of Minho University, main goal is the constitution of a Research & Development Centre in the scope of textile products used in personal protection for professionals at different levels of risk, but mainly, risks of a mechanical nature such as cutting, punching, drilling and ballistics.

NIDProtech’s main goal is to concentrate and reinforce capabilities in ​​textile products of personal protection, through the creation of an ID structure by using a Scientific and Technological System entity, the Minho University, through the Centre of Textile Science and Technology, and a business entity working in the field of textile products for personal protection, LATINO, in order to establish a long-lasting partnership, with an adequate articulation between the two entities.

This Centre will give these entities the opportunity to promote and share their skills. For LATINO, includes design, production and marketing skills and for Minho University, skills related to development, performance evaluation and scientific knowledge incorporation. Thus, the entities involved will be able to foster networking among themselves and internally, in order to strengthen their capabilities and the ID character of ​​high performance textiles.

Therefore, the structure of this project will consist in having at least 5 ID projects, related to each of the topics mentioned, to be carried out by the entities involved, considering the challenges identified above, within a maximum period of 3 years.






Innovative Learning Approaches for Implementation of LEAN Thinking to Enhance Office and Knowledge Work Productivity

2016 – 2018

he ILA-LEAN project aims at developing didactic materials to improve knowledge concerning the implementation of Lean Thinking in the workplace. Most companies are aware of Lean Thinking, but it is only put into practice in the production area. Many companies, however, have realised that there is much waste in other areas of the company such as in offices, therefore the knowledge and identification and thus elimination of waste would also be beneficial in these areas.


Lack of appeal of the existing training tools based on a playful didactic approach;

Lack of flexibility/portability in existing training tools for learning on the go.


Increase the cooperation among educational institutions and enterprises in EU for better employability;

Increase the synergic use of up-to-date technologies, in an integrated way, with a team work approach and personal development;

Improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning of vocational contents on lean in Office and Knowledge of how it works andthe workplace;

Increase the opportunity for distance learning;

Upgrade and innovate existing training tools.






Inovação Produtiva – COVID-19

04-05-2020 – 10-07-2020

The Project Inovação Produtiva – COVID-19 – COVID-19 is co-financed by the EU, PO Norte and Portugal 2020, within the scope of the Specific Regulation to Support Investment in the Production of Relevant Goods and Services for COVID-19.

The project will provide the company with productive capacity in terms of surgical masks and FFP2 masks, as well as disposable personal protective equipment.



I&D – COVID-19

01-02-2020 – 31-12-2020

O Projeto I&D – COVID-19 é um projeto é cofinanciado pela UE, do PO Norte e do Portugal 2020, no âmbito do Regulamento Específico para Apoio ao Investimento na Produção de Bens e Serviços Relevantes para o COVID-19, adotado pela Portaria n.º95/2020, de 18 de abril de 2020.

Desenvolvimento de uma nova geração de EPI reutilizáveis (batas, toucas e perneiras), com funcionalização anti-bacteorológica e anti-vírica, para utilização em contexto profissional (lares, bombeiros, entre outros), com capacidade de atuação ativa, para além da proteção de barreira proporcionada pela própria estrutura fibrosa.Destinados a combater a pandemia do COVID-19.



Qualificação Internacional

01-09-2015 – 31-08-2017

O Projeto Qualificação Internacional é um projeto é cofinanciado pela UE, do PO Norte e do Portugal 2020, no âmbito do Reforço da competitividade das PME.

O projeto permitirá dotar a empresa de maior capacitação para crescer nos mercados internacionais.



Qualificação Internacional 2021

20-06-2019 – 19-06-2021

O Projeto Qualificação Internacional é um projeto é cofinanciado pela UE, do PO Norte e do Portugal 2020, no âmbito do Reforço da competitividade das PME.

O projeto permitirá qualificar a empresa para o projeto internacional global, novas marcas, novos produtos, novos mercados, novos segmentos.



Projetos de I&DT empresas em copromoção

20-03-2021 – 30-06-2023

Desenvolvimentos de soluções multicamada para proteção ativa contra agentes NBQR e níveis incrementados de conforto para aplicações de alto valor acrescentado no setor dos equipamentos de proteção individual (EPI) quer para uso militar quer para uso civil.

